About Us

When we founded CBA developers we set ourselves a mission - to build Cyprus in good, safe, and reliable hands. and to always set the highest standard in construction quality, and service quality.

As the executive arm of CBA, we're proud to say we get the job done, every day. A team of engineers, foremen, and quality professionals in the fields of logistics, work management, and tenant changes - manages more residential, commercial, and office projects every day.

How do you build a dream?

Every engineering project, even the most complex, starts with a common thought. We group together the highest quality experts for each stage, and collaboratively plan the various stages we will perform. For each project and the appropriate method: conventional, Barnowitz, prefab (including an independent factory), Spankrom, rigid cladding, and dry cladding - for each method, the best quality professionals are suitable for it.

Quality begins with humanity

We know that building a house is not another purchase - it is the fulfillment of a dream, and probably one of the biggest investments in the life of each and every one of us. That's why we invest in every step and every moment, to accompany you step by step on the way to the fulfillment of this dream. Even after you received the key until we reach the highest quality result together - Bringing innovation to safety One of the principles that guide our work is a combination of the extensive practical and professional experience of our employees, who have seniority and managerial skills, with new avenues of efficiency and innovation in the construction processes. Custom projects Alongside the large projects of cba, we are proud to lead unique projects with Tailor Made working methods, which require preservation operations, delicate techniques, and unique construction materials. In custom work, we treat each apartment as a project in itself - and combine the precise and meticulous work of leading architects with work contractors adapted to the apartment, who use construction materials specially ordered from all around the world. Our team provides engineering advice and accompanies the designers from the first stage of work, and maintains a continuous and continuous process, to make sure that every detail is in exactly the right place. Our board of directors consists of experts in a variety of fields Lawyers, experts in finance, and engineers, which made us the most professional and reliable company to purchase a house from.

Green building

As part of the company's core goal to produce green construction and with minimal damage to the environment, our company focuses on the purchase and completion of projects that was not finished previously or renovating old buildings while reservering there ionic vintage style. In this way we optimize existing construction instead of continuing to utilize new lands for construction, thinking about the environment.

Invest with us

We know how difficult it can be to choose the right apartment, whether it is an investment or a residential apartment. Our experts will help you find the perfect home for you, while personalizing every step of the way - from designing and building your house in the best way to finding financing solutions. For the investors among us, our company markets ready-to-move-in apartments and even guarantees a return of 5-8% and rent upon purchase, with expertise and experience in handling foreign clients.

Call now to get your dream house